The Healthy Kids Running Series is a five week running program in the spring and fall for kids from Pre-K to 8th grade. Each Race Series takes place once a week and offers age appropriate running events. Kids compete each week of the Series for a chance to earn points and at the end of the Series the top boy and girl with the most points in their respective age division receive a trophy.
Andrea Pedigo, Coronado neighbor, has brought Healthy Kids Running Series to Dallas and she encourages all the kids in the neighborhood to participate in the running program. Andrea says, “this is a great way to get your kids interested in running and get them outside. Races for Pre K – Middle school. We have some really great local sponsors: Maestri Designs, City Vet White Rock, Luke’s Locker, Cooper Aerobics Center, Kind Bars and Cheap Caribbean.”
Fall 2016: Sundays September 18th, 25th and October 2nd, 9th & 16th.
Time: 4:30 PM
*Please arrive at 3:30 PM if you have not pre-registered or if you have not picked up your race bag at Race bag Pick-up Night. We will do our best to start on-time and walk-up registrations need to be wrapped up by 4:30 p.m. for that to happen. On-site registrations are welcome each week, checks are preferred. Please wear your sneakers! Thank you! (Please note: Registration is non-refundable)
Race Location:Mata Montessori 7420 La Vista Drive Dallas, TX 75214
For more information on Healthy Kids Running Series, visit here.